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Email Verification

Validating emails is a crucial step in ensuring the effectiveness of your email campaigns and avoiding potential risks. By utilizing an email checker to verify the authenticity of your email list, you can achieve several benefits across your organization.

Enhancing Email Campaigns

Improving Sender Reputation and Deliverability

Improving Sender Reputation and Deliverability

Email Confirmation, Account Activation, Generating Registration Code etc. are fundamental steps in boosting the success of your email marketing campaigns. By validating your email list, you can significantly enhance your sender reputation and deliverability rates. This ensures that your emails reach the intended recipients' inbox, rather than being marked as spam or bouncing back.

Precise Email Marketing <br>Benchmarks

Precise Email Marketing

Achieving accurate email marketing benchmarks becomes feasible when you verify the validity of your email list. By removing invalid or inactive email addresses, you gain more reliable data. Additionally, with this verification process you will only be paying for legitimate email addresses.

Impact on PPC Campaigns

Targeting Accuracy

Targeting Accuracy

When creating Pay-Per-Click (PPC) audiences, the presence of a high number of fake or weak emails can negatively affect your targeting accuracy. Validating your email list helps ensure that your PPC campaigns reach the intended audience, optimizing the effectiveness of your ads

Providing Correct User Information to Advertising Networks

Providing Correct User Information to Advertising Networks

By validating your email list, you provide accurate information to advertising networks such as Facebook. This accuracy enables them to understand the types of users you desire to reach, subsequently improving the efficiency of your advertising campaigns.

Saving Costs

Optimizing Marketing Expenses

Optimizing Marketing Expenses

By validating your list, you prevent wasteful spending on invalid or inactive email addresses, allowing you to optimize your marketing budget.

Focusing on Targeted Prospects

Focusing on Targeted Prospects

When your sales team spends time reaching out to invalid email addresses, it diverts their attention from the real prospects. By validating your email list, you ensure that your sales team dedicates their valuable time and effort towards meaningful connections and potential customers.

Advantages of verifying email address?

Ensure authenticity of the recipient

Identify and remove misspelled, defunct, phony, or disposable email addresses.

Identify unscrupulous lead source - buying lists, co-registration sites, aggregators, or other list managers

Lower bounce rate

Boost rate of engagement

Maintain sender reputation

Email Verification

You Ask. We Answer

Email opt-in forms 
Sign up, or newsletter forms or any business forms. 
Contest entries or Product giveaways 
Free or demo sign ups 
POS systems (stores, at events, etc.) 
Event registrations 
Customer service requests 
The frequency of your list's regular maintenance may vary based on its size - every few 
months might suffice. Always ensure the legitimacy of your email list prior to launching 
any email marketing initiatives and make sure your sales personnel are acquainted with 
email validation so they can confirm individual emails as and when necessary. 
Segment the results: Unknown, Undeliverable, Disposable: Remove any email address that are 
“undeliverable or “disposable”.  Ensure CRM has only accurate email addresses such as primary or secondary email addresses. 
Typically, a primary email address is shared with family and friends & a secondary address they 
use in public. A large amount of invalid email addresses in a campaign contributes to dead 
weight and financial implications in missing potential sales. 
Review your acquisition/ lead sourcing practices. 
Email marketing does not imply that size is everything to building an email list.  
Content alone does not suffice; data accuracy decides the effectiveness of any 
Engagement is the most critical factor to pivot to when designing a marketing plan.