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Connect online marketplace with ZOHO CRM

Reset, rebuild and configure administrative backend processes for a platform that sells courses as commodities.




Training, Educating, & Certification Marketplace




Preparing students for a successful land surveying career. Online marketplace with study tools and courses for certification qualification and state-specific exams.


  •  Reset, rebuild and configure administrative backend processes for a platform that sells courses as commodities.
  •  Build ZOHO processes to support existing online marketplace to handle full-fledged support for scheduling, affiliate marketing and all related admin processes (Scheduling, Payments, Invoices etc.)
  •  Re-design and implement workflow automations to requests, registrations, payments, and bookings.

The Beginning

On Discovery, discrepancies in segregation of Lead and Contacts, disconnect in categorising opportunities associated with a Contact, and loss of vital information in inbound Sales Orders resulted in disjointed sales and relationship-building efforts. The data analysis further found incorrect data conversion mapping and duplicate syncs with the e-Commerce store. An e-commerce automation solution was proposed that consolidates and categorizes all inbound data, thereby identifying the source and data type. Custom workflow automation identified the data source as a Lead or Prospect and then initiated the prospect to contact Process, deal creation/ up-sell, invoice generation, and other macro-level recommendations to improve organisation and data efficiency.

Deficiencies in As-Is CRM:

  •  Incorrect configurations in e-commerce integration.
  •  Record creation and updates executed without dupe check
  •  B2B implementation for a B2C business.
  •  Duplicate data within Leads, Contacts, Accounts, Deals, and Activities
  •  Mismatch in data attributes between CRM and e-Commerce site
  •  Incorrect data sync (Call center, SMS, and ZOHO tools)


Project Plan:

Step 1

Implement an error-free integrated solution in CRM for inbound data from e-Commerce – Sales, Invoice and Payments & Customer Support activity.

Step 2

Build a verified and unique Leads and Contact list.

Step 3
Reduce disjointed sales transactions and duplicate data

Step 4

Determine customer buying habits and vital insights into the customer base

Step 5
Maximising operational efficiencies and increasing revenue.


  •  Nurturing new customers & remember sales opportunities
  •  Organize Sales – Contact management, Customer information, and decision making with a consistent sale to customer service processes
  •  Ensure consistency at every Sales pipeline – New, Upsell, Closed, Lost.
  •  Categorize prospects – Targeted Marketing campaigns with accurate and latest particulars of customers/ interactions.
  •  Data Analysis – Lead generation, Customer lifetime analysis, Value forecasting, Customer support.
  •  Marketing Support – market effectively to sell cohort-based courses.


  •  Objectively analyze operational data and provide a plan for a phased implementation.
  •  Organize CRM for developmental work concurrently editing eCommerce/ CRM integration
  •  Customize data structure and data taxonomy in CRM to reorganize sales data
  •  Restructure collaboration and engagement automation (Telephony, ZOHO Booking integration) without losing current data.

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